Why trust a REALTOR®?
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You gotta love a Capital Resolution.

Selling your home or land this year? Sellers of real estate must appreciate the REALTOR® trademark. Effective Jan 1, 2022, Washington State approved NO CAPITAL GAINS for real estate sales! This is significant news, spurring considerable savings for our clients.

The REALTOR® trademark is not just an added real estate broker title. It also encompasses augmenting rights of Sellers, Buyers, Brokers and Brokerages while demonstrating contemporary conversations and a pledge to advance legislation. Realtors have your back, protecting you along the way to achieve successful real estate transactions. Augustedge exemplifies their code of ethics and is proud to be National Realtor Association members. We stand by the REALTOR® trademark to benefit all parties—a capital business declaration indeed.

Augustedge Real Estate - we have the edge on your investments.
Housing Market At a Glance
Sales Price
The median sales price is up a whopping 34% from the previous year - and the average sales price has topped $540k.


Total Sales
While prices are up, the total sales has significantly decreased from last year, despite an increase in number of listings.
Sold Trend
Recent Sales and Listings from Augustedge
1901 Wellington Pl


1216 Marble St


2328 SE Marlette Rd
425 N Larch Ave


95 Canyon Ranch Rd


1011 N Elliott Ave
News from the Accounting Blog
 Now’s the Time to Brush Up Your Bookkeeping Habits
Now’s the Time to Brush Up Your Bookkeeping Habits
Deciding to brush up on your bookkeeping habits may not be the most common self-improvement, but it could actually be smarter – and easier to stick to...
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Planning for a Child’s College Expenses Should Start Early
Planning for a Child’s College Expenses Should Start Early
Even if “free” tuition for community college attendance becomes law, parents and their children-students would still be responsible for paying...
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10 Must-Have Policies for 2022
10 Must-Have Policies for 2022
Policies are important for communicating company expectations and requirements. Here are 10 policies that are considered must-have for 2022...
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Augustedge - Accounting, Real Estate, Insurance
We provide a full range of professional services à la carte – real estate, accounting, tax, business consulting, bookkeeping, quickbooks, financial services and insurance to ensure that you get the level of support you require with superior client service. We are your trusted problem-solver; your confidant, and your business adviser all rolled up together.
National Association of Realtors
Augustedge, PLLC & Real Estate
Wenatchee Office
521 S Chelan Ave, Suite A.
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Augustedge, PLLC
Chelan Office
107 Emerson Ave. Suite #1 & #4
Chelan, WA 98816


Augustedge, PLLC & Real Estate
Quincy Office
21 D St. SW, Suite A
Quincy, WA 98848