Local Halloween Fun
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Trick or Treat safely with the kids
Halloween is just around the corner, and with it lots of fun and safe events for the family. Where will I see you?
  • Light the Night at Sage Hills Church: enjoy Tacos, music, and warming up around the campfire as kids gather candy from a circle of decorated cars. Everyone is invited!
  • Trick or Treat on the Ave: Join us for fun and safe trick or treat downtown from 1:00pm - 3:00pm.
  • Pumpkin Crafts For Kids: Come on down to Columbia Valley Brewing October 23rd and carve your very own pumpkin! We will provide all the tools and pre-cored pumpkins! We will have complimentary cocoa and candy bags for kids! Come make fun and messy memories with the whole family. No purchase necessary. While supplies last.
  • Drop-in MakerSpace: Franken Toys: In this activity October 27th-29th, learners make a “creature” by mixing and matching different parts of toys. Materials are provided. Program is free with Museum admission.
  • Halloween Fun at Union Hill Cider Co.: Join us October 30th from 1 to 7pm for a Halloween party, with food, music and cider. Family and dog friendly! Wear your costumes!
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Just Listed - 5 acre Quincy property
Just sold! 280 21st St NE
96 S. Valiant


90 S. Valiant
Check out Riverview Ranch - gorgeous, expansive views, quiet, rural location in a private community. It's hard to find 1+ acre lots like this.
Wanting to make a wise investment? Talk to Paul!
Paul Bondo
Linda Bondo | Managing Broker
Premier One Properties
925 Fifth St
Wenatchee, WA 98801

Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm

Phone: 509-860-2398