Guys vs. Gals - do you need a different saddle?
We all know men and women are built differently - especially in that area of the body that makes contact with a bike saddle. This may lead you to assume that gender specific saddles are necessary. However, scientific research has proven this simply is not the case. |
The key to comfort in the saddle is a saddle sized to your sit bones distance. Since this distance is not gender specific, neither should your saddle be gender specific.
SQlab's revolutionary fit kit measurement helps you determine the perfect fit for YOUR sit bones - whether you're a male or a female. |
OK, the sensitve areas ARE different between men and women. For men, pain often comes from too much pressure on the soft tissue, or the goods. For women, pain often comes from contact between the saddle nose and the lower female pubic arch. The SQlab step saddle design, with a lower saddle nose, solves both problems. As always, the proof is in the pressure map. |
With a flat saddle pressure is placed on the pubic arch, instead of the sit bones, leading to pain.
The lower saddle nose of the step saddle means the pressure is where it should be - on the sit bones.
Too much pressure on the soft tissue results in numbness for males.
The step saddle places the pressure on the sit bones, giving relief for soft tissue.
The good news? See a saddle you like? Male or female it will work for you. |
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Performance based ergonomics sums up SQlab's ergonomically correct cycling products including saddles, grips and components which help to attain greater performance and comfort on the bike. SQlab is the most awarded saddle in Germany. Allow the SQlab fit experts to help you find products to optimize your ride. www.sqlab-usa.com
SQlab USA, All rights reserved 2021 |